Highlands County Corvettes Memorial Day Weekend 2022 Corvette Car Show
Dateline: 5-31-22 – I hope you all had a happy Memorial Day weekend. Just a couple of short notes for now.
If you are finding us online and would like to receive our e-mail updates, CLICK HERE. You will only receive e-mails from me (John Meyerhoff) and when you do, the Subject line will read, “HIGHLANDS COUNTY CORVETTES REPORT“. We DO NOT share, rent, or sell our e-mail list and you will NOT receive solicitations.
Thank you to the eight owners of C-1-thru-C-8 Corvettes who braved the heat, humidity, and showers for the special display at our May show last Saturday.
They were as follows:
C-1 Bill Test – White 1961
C-2 Rollie Walriven – Daytona Blue 1963
C-3 Karl Hoskinson – Burgandy 1974
C-4 Mark Taboada – Med Gray Metallic 1986
C-5 Jim Maze – Light Pewter 2002
C-6 Jack Murphy – Monteray Red 2006
C-7 Keith Lange – Blade Metallic Silver 2016
C-8 Buz Rich – Torch Red 2022
Also thanks to Jim Maze who assisted with the parking of the generation display.
One sad announcement for those who were not at breakfast on Friday or the show on Saturday: One of our members, Larry Metz passed away on April 24th. He was a regular attendee with a Red 2020 C-8 before he got sick.
Our show was a success with 24 Corvettes in attendance. Bob Rapp won the Huston Motors oil change, Russ Burrier won the $90 50/50 drawing and eight others won door prizes; Keith Lang, Russ Burrier, Jack Murphy, Kathy Rouse, Rollie Walriven, Bob Maiel, and Edde & Tom King!
Edde King reported on several ideas for road trips in the fall and I will follow up with information as plans develop!
Have a great and safe summer, everybody! Friday morning Corvette Breakfasts at Oscar’s Family Restaurant, in Sebring will continue through the summer. Actually, our Corvette Breakfast Meet-Ups happen EVERY Friday morning through the year, except for when Christmas or New Year’s Day falls on a Friday.
See you at our next show will be on October 22, 2022!!!
Lots of miles…lots of smiles!!! – John M.
Here’s the Slide Show of our Corvette Car Show!