Neither rain, nor wind, nor chilly temps could keep the Corvette faithful away from a Highlands County Corvettes Car Show!
Dateline: 1-24-22 – In the last nearly four years I have never seen a situation like what we faced early Saturday morning; a NASTY forecast with solid cloud cover, cool temps, no warming sunshine, drizzle, and a lovely breeze. Yes, it was a CRAPPY weather day! That’s why we were stunned to tally up 24 Corvettes!
Honestly, I was only expecting our setup crew, so I was stunned to see nearly 10 Corvettes already there. Most came from the Tampa Bay area! They like to go places and decided to come to our Corvette Show, rain or shine! Consequently, we picked up ten new names for our newsletter.
By noon the drizzle stopped, the wind picked up, and the temp started going down. This is one of many reasons why the Lake Placid American Legion is Lake Country Cruisers’ “home”. If it’s “too hot” we can go inside. And if it’s “too cold” we can go inside. And that’s exactly what we did.
The Legion’s “Mess Hall” kitchen and bar were open for lunch. Since this was an unusual show, we wrapped up early after most had burgers, dogs, and fries. After announcements and acknowledgments, it was Door Prize time. Our Door Prize winners were; Keith Lang, Mike Hostetter, Buz Rich, Rollie & Nel Walverin, Edde King, Buddy & Lorna Hodgsen, and Marty Adams.
Since our overall turnout was less than half our attendance on a normal weather day, our 50/50 payout was $35, and the winner was, Mike Hostetter. Yes, Mike had a good day!
Our next Corvette Show will be on February 26 at our home, the Lake Placid American Legion, Post 25, 11 am to 2 pm.
On February 26, 27, 2022 there will be an SVRA (Sportscar Vintage Racing Association) at Sebring International Raceway. Last year a good-size group of Highlands County Corvettes members met at the Moose Lodge on Rt. 98 in Sebring so we could all go in and park together. Details to come.
That’s all for now. A big thanks to our Corvette friends from the Tampa Bay area, as well as the American Legion, and our faithful crew. – Scott, John, and Mary Carol